What Do Race Cars and Sawguides Have In Common?

Since it’s racing season around the globe and many people love watching race cars go fast. Many dream they could get in a really nice race car and drive at high speed. I for one am not against that. It’s amazing on how many precision components go into a race car. Many teams have large numbers of available engineering and manufacturing professionals that work together to specify or make precision components that allow the race car to achieve their high rate of controlled speed. Race cars depend on precision components to make them run better and faster. It is unthinkable that a less than precise component would be used. A component that is not precise can prevent a race car from winning which, in racing, is the way for the teams to make money. No one wants to sponsor a losing team.

Sawmills in many ways are like the race car team. A winning sawmill is one that makes money and profit. To make money a sawmill must be able to produce high quality lumber as fast as possible with minimum amount of breakdowns.

Broken down race cars don’t win either!

For a sawmill to produce high quality lumber quickly, it needs to invest in precision reliable components. These components must also be maintained in order for the sawmill to keep running.

Sawguides are the micrometer of a sawmill. They set the tone for the entire mill. You can say they are like the precision bearings in a race car. If the sawguides are not accurate then the sawmill has problems producing high quality lumber. The sawmill will also have larger amounts of down time because less than accurate sawguides produce sawing problems and therefore downtime is order to keep fixing these problems. If a sawmill isn’t producing the most accurate lumber and constantly down because of issues it can’t make money or profit.

In the race car world, this would mean that team is not winning.

The investment in accurate sawguides for a sawmill is like a team investing in the best bearings for their race car. The most accurate and best are part of a formula for a winning team, a team that will make money and profit.

Everyone wants to be part of a winning team!

Author: Udo Jahn

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