The Scary Impact of Inaccurate Sawguides to Your Bottom Line

POST DATE: March 16, 2016


This subject has been on my mind for a long time, stemming from my interactions with new clients. They always wonder why they are experiencing sawing problems. After looking at the problem from a few different perspectives, they still couldn’t figure out what was causing their issues. They saw some or all of …
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Babbitt Pad Hell 2: The Saga Continues

POST DATE: February 24, 2016


It was Sunday morning after a busy week when I finally sat down to write this blog article. All last week I was thinking about how to write it. Thank goodness we are in an electronic age, otherwise I would’ve had pieces of paper with half written articles on them torn up all over the floor. That would have be…
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Spacers Are Killing Your Lumber Recovery

POST DATE: February 05, 2016


I just received a package containing a sawguide sample from our newest customer, and I had to write this article right away. They were having issues maintaining clearance between their babbitt pad and saw blade. In other words, they had no gap control! As I have mentioned previously, maintaining a tight contr…
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My Saws Are Turning Into a Flamethrower

POST DATE: January 15, 2016


I recently received a call from a friend of mine about one of his customers. I knew the news couldn’t be good. Turns out, this customer had been burning up saws for a long time. The customer’s edger had an untreated problem for many years. When I use the term “burning up,” it may make you imagine some kind of…
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Babbitt Pad Hell

POST DATE: December 16, 2015


I just received an email from a friend who recently visited a troubled sawmill. This sawmill has unfortunately been experiencing a lot of problems with their saws getting very hot and underperforming. Underperforming is not an accurate description of what is really going on. In reality, this sawmill’s saws ar…
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